Monday, March 31, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140331

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108. The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged from the last class meeting. Fourteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122. The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged from the last class meeting. Thirteen attended.

Discussion in both classes opened with questions regarding student progress on the upcoming evaluation essay. Noted were concerns of structure and items on which to focus in determining criteria.

Attendance in both classes was assessed via a riddle quiz.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140331

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202. The class roster listed sixteen students, one fewer than at the last class meeting. Thirteen attended.

Discussion opened with questions regarding letters of recommendation before asking after student progress on the conference-length paper. As part of the latter, mention was made of the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, which had been advertised to the instructor; it offers a venue for select student papers to be presented. Thence discussion moved to textbook materials concerning the status of women in seventeenth-century England.

Attendance was assessed via the usual style of quiz. Students are exhorted to keep up with the assigned reading.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140328

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108. The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since last class meeting. Ten attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122. The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since last class meeting. Fourteen attended.

Both classes opened with discussion of the just-submitted textual analysis paper before issuing written notice that the site of the final exam has changed; students will be expected to report to Morrill Hall Room 106, the Electronic Classroom, at their scheduled exam time, unless other arrangements had already been made. Thence it went on to ground the upcoming evaluation essay, laying out prewriting and preliminary activities likely to be of help in completing the assignment..

Attendance in both sections was assessed informally.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140328

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202. The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged from the previous class meeting. Fourteen attended.

Discussion opened by asking after student progress on the conference-length paper. It moved thence to William Shakespeare and King Lear, focusing on historical context, reception, and differences among editions.

Attendance was assessed informally.

Announcement Regarding Office Hours, 28 March 2014

Students, as I will be in a meeting with another professor, I will not be able to hold my regular office hours at 10:30 today.

-Prof. Elliott

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140326

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108. The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Twelve attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122. The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Twelve attended and were joined by an observer from the OSU Department of English, Prof. Ron Brooks.

Discussion in both classes noted a change to the final exam room and adjustments to scheduling as well as requesting that students fill out an online survey. Discussion moved thence to final in-class discussion of the textual analysis, due Friday before the beginning of class time, and mentioning the upcoming evaluation essay. Class concluded with a common riddle exercise.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140326

After the gap imposed by spring break and jury duty, class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202. The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Twelve attended.

Class discussion covered concerns of the upcoming conference-length paper and asked students to complete a survey before moving to William Shakespeare, his importance, and the contexts of his work.

A pseudo-study-guide was distributed. Attendance was assessed informally.

Announcement Regarding Announcements


Please fill out the survey at the link below. Data collected from it will help me to evaluate my classroom practices; help the students who will follow after you.

The link:


Prof. Elliott

Monday, March 17, 2014

Announcement Regarding Spring Break 2014: A Letter

Dear Students:

I hope you are enjoying the time away from classes and that you will return to school Monday next refreshed and re-energized for the remainder of the semester. I anticipate doing so, certainly.

Do keep in mind, however, that you have reading and work due when the session resumes. Please do not let it escape you.

Those of you enrolled in ENGL 2543.002 this term should note that information regarding the conference paper has been updated. You might take a look at it in your idle moments. You might also keep in mind that I continue to encourage those of you who do best with the papers to revise them and submit them to undergraduate panels at conferences. Write with that end in mind; it will help, I think.

Until Monday,

Prof. Elliott

Friday, March 14, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140314

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108.  The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the previous class meeting.  Fourteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122.  The class roster listed eighteen students, unchanged since the previous class meeting.  Thirteen attended.

Both classes were offered exercises in textual analysis practice.  Attendance was assessed informally.  Students are advised to keep current with assignments; once the break is over, activities will resume in earnest.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140314

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202.  The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Fourteen attended.

Discussion opened with questions regarding student thoughts on the annotated bibliographies that were to have been submitted.  It moved from there to address the context and works of Aemilia Lanyer and only glancingly touched on Sir Francis Bacon.

Attendance was assessed informally.  Students are advised to enjoy their break and come back refreshed; interesting things will be afoot.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140312

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108.  The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Thirteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122.  The class roster listed eighteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Sixteen attended.

Both classes opened with questions about student progress on the textual analysis, drafts of which are due for review before the beginning of class on Friday, 14 March.  From there it moved to consideration of concepts from Joanna Wolfe's February 2010 CCC article, "Rhetorical Numbers: A Case for Quantitative Writing in the Composition Classroom."

Attendance in both classes was assessed informally.  Students are reminded that class will meet as normal on Friday.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140312

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202.  The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged from the previous class meeting.  Fifteen attended.

Discussion opened with questions about student progress on the annotated bibliography, which is due via D2L before the beginning of class time on Friday, 14 March.  From there, it moved to discussion of contexts established by non-literary art.

Attendance was assessed informally.  Students are reminded of the readings assigned for Friday: Lanyer and Bacon.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140310

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108.  The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the previous class meeting.  Sixteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122.  The class roster listed eighteen students, unchanged since the previous class meeting.  Thirteen attended.

In each class, discussion began with questions about student progress on the upcoming textual analysis, of which a draft is due for review on Friday.  Discussion moved from there to an in-class reading.

Attendance in both classes was assessed informally.  Students are reminded to be diligent in revision.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140310

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202.  The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Fourteen attended.

Discussion opened with questions regarding student progress on the annotated bibliography before moving into discussion of Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots.  The idea of the literary canon was noted, as well.

Attendance was assessed informally.  Students are reminded to keep current with reading and with discussion board postings.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Class Report, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140307

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108.  The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Thirteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122.  The class roster listed eighteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Fourteen attended.

Discussion in both classes opened with questions regarding student progress on the textual analysis.  From the discussion, the classes moved to peer review.  (That peer review and the low attendance rate are linked is likely.)

Attendance in both classes was assessed through the usual quiz grade taken on peer review days.  Students are encouraged to be diligent in revising and improving their papers in advance of the next draft due date.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140307

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202.  The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Sixteen attended (although the late arrival of several students was noted).

Discussion opened with comments about discussion boards and questions regarding student progress on the annotated bibliography.  It moved from thence to a review of the quiz issued Wednesday, 5 March 2014, before treating Spenser and his Amoretti and Epithalamion.

Attendance was assessed informally.  Students are advised to continue reading and to look at the Monday readings in terms of gender roles and relations.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Class Report, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140305

After the hiatus imposed by the weather-driven campus closure, ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108.  The class roster listed nineteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Fourteen attended.

After the hiatus imposed by the weather-driven campus closure, ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122.  The class roster listed eighteen students, one fewer than at the last class meeting.  Fifteen attended.

In both classes, discussion opened with questions about student progress on the textual analysis, of which a peer review draft is due at the beginning of class on Friday, 7 March 2014.  From there, discussion moved to student concerns regarding composition of the paper and of citation before going into introductory methods for evaluating the validity of secondary sources.

Attendance was assessed informally.  Practice in textual analyses is forthcoming.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140305

After the hiatus imposed by the weather-driven campus closure, class met as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202.  The class roster listed seventeen students, unchanged since the last class meeting.  Sixteen attended.

Discussion opened with the exhortation of students to work more diligently on the online discussions and moved to questions regarding student progress on the annotated bibliographies due before the beginning of class time on 14 March.  From there, discussion moved to Wyatt and the sonnet form.

Attendance was assessed through the kind of quiz that has typified the semester.  More such will be forthcoming so as to enable study for the first portion of the summative exam.