Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summative Comments for the Spring 2014 Term at OSU

It is admittedly later than this ought to have been done, but it still befits that I post concluding comments for the Spring 2014 term at OSU, much as I did for the Fall 2013 term (here, here, and here). I begin with numerical breakdowns before offering more general, reflective comments.

ENGL 1113.006
End-of-term enrollment: 18
Average course grade: C (710/1000)
Number of students earning A (900+/1000): 1
Number of students earning F (<600/1000): 6, 5 due to attendance policies

ENGL 1113.007
End-of-term enrollment: 16
Average course grade: C (748.75/1000)
Number of students earning A (900+/1000): 1
Number of students earning F (<600/1000): 3, 2 due to attendance policies

ENGL 2453.002
End-of-term enrollment: 14
Average course grade: C (748.7143/1000)
Number of students earning A (900+/1000): 3
Number of students earning F (<600/1000): 1

How matters have changed since last term is unclear, with some students having earned into the A range and the course average scores sitting in the C--"average" by long consensus--range, if perhaps lower than last time. Not reported are the relatively many students who earned at the extreme high end of the B range, with scores in the 890s. Also not reported in the raw numerical breakdown is the opportunity for bonus points offered to the students in each class; both sections of ENGL 1113 were awarded substantial bonuses, and students in ENGL 2543.002 had the chance at extra credit on the final exam by answering additional questions (not all availed themselves of it, and not all who did benefited from doing so).

More online materials were made available to students in each class, which seems to have been helpful for those students who were motivated to make use of such things. Not all seem to have been, however; online surveys attempted to ascertain student use of materials, but too few responses were forthcoming for the exercise to make any judgments.

Future teaching will likely continue to deploy online examples--and to do so through platforms other than those maintained by the school. My position is a visiting appointment, after all, and I may need to be able to take my materials with me.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 2543.002 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140505

ENGL 2543 began as scheduled at 8am in Morrill Hall Room 202. The class roster listed fourteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Thirteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 10am in Morrill Hall Room 106. The class roster listed sixteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Fifteen attended.

Both classes sat for final exams. Attendance was taken via exam submission. Grades will be posted when available; students are advised that D2L numbers do not reflect adjustments for absences.

Summative comments for the semester are forthcoming.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Class Reports, ENGL 1113.006 and ENGL 1113.007, 20140502

ENGL 1113.006 began as scheduled at 11:30am in Classroom Building Room 108. The class roster listed eighteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Thirteen attended.

ENGL 1113.007 began as scheduled at 12:30pm in Classroom Building Room 122. The class roster listed sixteen students, unchanged since the last class meeting. Eleven attended.

Discussion focused on concerns of the final exam. Class time was curtailed to permit student evaluations of the instructor. Attendance was assessed informally.

Class Report, ENGL 2543.002, 20140502

Class began as scheduled at 9:30am in Morrill Hall Room 202. The class roster listed fourteen students, unchanged since last class meeting. All attended.

Discussion consisted of review for the final exam. Class concluded with student evaluations of the instructor.

Attendance was assessed informally.