As with several other examples of summaries, this is derived and adapted from another blog I maintain.
An article by Michelle LaFrance and Melissa Nicolas, "Institutional Ethnography as Materialist Framework for Writing Program Research
and the Faculty-Staff Work Standpoints Project," appears in the September 2012 issue (64.1: 130-50) of CCC. In the article, LaFrance and Nicolas discuss institutional ethnography (IE), a
method for investigating how workplaces form themselves and situate the people
who work in them, arguing that it is a valuable means for interrogating
institutional practices that are often overlooked. They outline the ways in
which IE works to point out how institutional practices differ for people who
perform different functions within an organization; they call it situated
variability. To do so, they give a brief overview of the history of IE and of
its undergirding concepts before situating it in relation to already-existing
methodologies. Throughout, they deploy examples from their own experiences
within institutions, using them to develop a particular ethos that speaks well
to the common audience of the journal, and making the article a particularly
effective call to use IE as another tool for those involved in the teaching of
writing to look into how the context in which they teach influences the teaching
they do.
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